WTO Rules and Argentina’s Import Controls

Por Gustavo L Morales Oliver. Publicado por Business Law International, Journal de la International Bar Association, pp. 163–194. Mayo 2012.


El artículo describe la evolución del control de importaciones en la Argentina en los últimos 10 años, con especial énfasis en la situación actual y las implicancias bajo las reglas de la OMC. 

Nota: El artículo no incluye el reclamo iniciado contra la Argentina en la OMC en mayo ni las investigaciones antidumping abiertas en mayo y junio.



During the last decade Argentina has developed a broad import control system,

adopting multiple measures that have stacked up on top of each other. As a

result, Argentina has become one of the most protectionist countries in the world

according to Global Trade Alert.

Is there a pattern in the evolution of these measures?

Were all of them WTO compliant?

What is the purpose of this import control system?

Why is it that no WTO consultations or disputes were initiated in connection

with this matter?

Is it possible to do business in Argentina in this context?

This article aims at introducing this case to scholars and practitioners in the

international community by describing the evolution of Argentina’s current import

control system – including the reactions of importers and other nations – providing

preliminary answers to the questions raised above, and providing a forecast of

Argentina’s international trade policy for the near future.

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